Friday, March 27, 2020

Diabetis Mellitus - Characters, Classification, Mechanism of Action & Side Effects

Diabetis Mellitus
Diabetis Mellitus is a metabolic disorder i.e it is disorder of the way of our body uses digested food for Growth and Energy, Especially inability to Oxidise Carbohydrates. Clinically, It is Characterized by Increased Blood Glucose Level

Characteriscs of Diabetis Mellius
Hyper Glycemia – Increased Blood Sugar Level
Glycosuria  - Excretion of Glucose in Urine
Polyuria  - Frequent Urination
Increased Triglyceride and Cholesterol in the Blood

Increased Urea and Non Protein Nitrogen in the Blood

Potential side effects of common diabetes drugs*
·         Sulfonylureas: low blood sugar, upset stomach, skin rash or itching, weight gain.
·         Biguanides/Metformin: sickness with alcohol, kidney complications, upset stomach, tiredness or dizziness, metal taste.
·         Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: gas, bloating and diarrhoea.


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