Monday, December 7, 2020

IOCL (Indian Oil Corp. Ltd) - Recruitment of Engineering Assistant / Technical Assistant / Quality Control Analyst / - Apply Now


Requirement of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel at Haldia Refinery Indian Oil Corporation Limited the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” company requires result oriented experienced personnel with initiative and enterprise for its Refinery at Haldia (West Bengal).

On-line Applications are invited from bright, young and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for the following technical posts in the pay scale of Rs. 25,000-1,05,000/- (Revised):
Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Electrical)/ Junior Technical Assistant-IV

Junior Quality Control Analyst-IV

Junior Engineering Assistant – IV (Fire & Safety)

How to Apply: On-Line Application Form

1. Before applying on-line, a candidate must have an active email ID and a mobile phone number which must remain valid for atleast twelve month period for future communication (including issue of call letters).

2. The candidate should have the relevant documents/certificates pertaining to age, qualification, caste, experience, Disability Certificate (where applicable), scanned copy of colour photograph and signature in jpg format (size not exceeding 25 kb) ready before applying on-line. The photo and signature in digital form will be required to be uploaded.

3. Candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria for a post may visit the website  and apply on-line. The link to the online application portal is also hosted on the official website of IndianOil i.e. The website/ portal will remain open from 07.12.2020 (10:00 Hrs) to 21.12.2020 (17:00 Hrs). Only online mode of applications will be accepted. All future communication with candidate will take place only through website / email / mobile phone. Candidates will be required to upload self-attested photocopies of all the Page 6 of 7 supporting documents as per Document checklist annexed to this Notification. The procedure of uploading the documents has been mentioned in detail in the application portal.

4. Candidates are mandatorily required to submit the printout of the online application along with self-attested photocopies of all supporting documents as per Document Checklist annexed to this notification & 4 copies of passport size colour photographs, at the venue of the written test on the day of written test i.e. tentatively on 03.01.2021, in a sealed envelope. Candidates should super scribe the Name & Post code of Post Applied for, Name of the Refinery Unit and Post Code on the top of the envelope. Printout of online application form along with all documents received after last date i.e. 03.01.2021, will be treated as ‘Rejected’.

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